I am Peter Bruun Hartz.
28.10.1979 -
latitude 55.695981
longitude 12.566607999999974
I am a drummer composer and a teacher.
All you will find me doing in music is improvising. In life I do also plan things...if nessesary
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This is a great place to add a tagline.
I did this (never alone!):
All Too Human: Because You’re Worth It, ILK 2020
All Too Human - Vernacular Avantgarde, Ayler Records, 2018
Eggs Laid By Tigers – Live Berlin, ILK, 2016
Eggs Laid By Tigers – This Red-Eyed Earth, ILK, 2014
Unintended Consequences – Klokkespil, ILK 2013
Eggs Laid By Tigers – Under The Mile Off Moon, ILK, 2012
Spring ”Slides” - ILK 2010
Spring ”Spring” ILK -2008
Buffalo Age - ILK 2007
WBZ - Prima Ballerina - ILK 2006
Radar - ILK 2004
Someone else did this WITH me:
Richard Andersons UDU 2 album already
Marc Ducret TOWER BRIDGE (The big band) AND the quintet called REAL THING #1
Django Bates trio Beloved - Confirmation and 'Beloved Bird' , The Study Of Touch
Jacob Anderskov's RESONANCE and strings and percussion. also two albums
SIMON TOLDAM STORK. also TWO unique albums from quite resent years!
Mark Solborg TRIO
and more...