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Marc Ducret (F): guitar (6 and 12-stringed)  -  Kasper Tranberg (DK): Trumpet and cornet

Simon Toldam (DK): Moog, JUNO 60 and Phillicoda  -  Peter Bruun (DK): Drums og Mikrokorg, composition

Booking: Tobias Schuster at

Contact Peter Bruun:


“Vernacular Avant-Garde is a haunting record. A kind of magic carried by a quartet at the top, whose complementarity is incredible."

“These fluid variations cross the entire disc but are also found within the pieces themselves. The success of the album lies in these alternations and the ongoing dialogue between complexity and simplicity, known and unheard, ancient and contemporary, perfectly summarized by the title of the album, Vernacular Vanguard.


Peter Bruun offers a jubilant musical synthesis as it seems natural and accessible, making this disc a nugget to discover urgently."

"...The overall result is an outstanding record that fills out its artistic intentions with praise and in a completely convincing manner."

                           Listen to the full album VERNACULAR AVANTGARDE  


Peter Bruun’s ‘All Too Human’

Because You’re Worth It (new album out in 2020)


In 2017, Danish percussive pioneer Peter Bruun set out on an ambitious adventure with three like-minded improvisers. Under the ‘All Too Human’ banner, their first album (2017’s ‘Vernacular Avant-garde’) succeeded in bringing life to their creative vision and was heralded by listeners and reviewers alike. On their new offering, ‘Because You’re Worth It’,

ambitions have never been higher and their collective vision has become clearer and more refined.


Bruun’s compositions are a blend of the sonically familiar and unfamiliar – like pop music from a parallel universe. Intricate formulas are used to manipulate listeners’ ears, intuitions, and musical expectations, catering to the highest common denominator. The material carefully manages to merge the catchy and comfortable with the fresh and thus far unheard. Songs are composed in the spirit of “bringing the avant-garde back to the people,” which means making these mature, sophisticated pieces accessible to any

type of listener – not only those who revel in and are defined by the ‘avant-garde’. Instead, the overall mission is to share in the celebration of humanity through common understanding of music, poetry, and sounds – honoring the breadth of universal understanding and communication between band and audience.


The new album, to be released in 2020 on ILK Music, is a musical love letter to listeners… Because You’re Worth It.



Peter Bruun’s ‘All Too Human’


Marc Ducret (F): 6- and 12-String Guitars

Kasper Tranberg (DK): Trumpet and Cornet

Simon Toldam (DK): Moog, JUNO 60, and Phillicoda

Peter Bruun (DK): Drums, Mikrokorg, and compositions


‘Vernacular Avantgarde’ (2017, Ayler Records):


“A kind of magic carried by a quartet at the top, whose complementarity is incredible.” 

- Cityzen Jazz


“Fills out its artistic intentions with praise and in a completely convincing manner." 

- Politiken




All Too Human - presse tekst DK


Trommeslager Peter Bruun fra København har hele sin musikalske karriere været opmærksom det kreative potentiale og styrken i paradoksale manøvrer. I denne nye internationale supergruppe har han samlet tre ligesindede musikalske musketerer under et navnet “All Too Human” (ATH)

Gennem årene har han foretaget en masse terra incognita ekspeditioner med pianisten Simon Toldam, guitarist Marc Ducret og trompetist Kasper Tranberg. Det forbinder og forbinder dem på dybere niveauer i deres musikalske interaktion.


Musikken har et eventyrs-fortællings kvalitet og som vi ved, i eventyr lurer mange vidunderlige overraskelser. Rejsen går helt nede fra jorden og langt oppe i skyerne, avantgarde og i folkelig, tilgængeligt og hinsides.


Gruppens musik kombinerer det ufattelige med accept af det åbenbare (som i et eventyr). Det bliver tydeligt i Bruuns egen rolle, der spiller bas med hans højre hånd via et keyboard og tromme med sin venstre hånd samtidigt. 1 + 1 = 1 i dette tilfælde. 


Den indbydende musik minder måske nogle ører om kendte referencer, måske opleves et strejf af Bowie's "Space Oddity" eller af David Lynch cinema. Det konstante sammenspil mellem det kendte og ukendte giver den tilstedeværende lytter en underholdene rutsjetur i, hvad Peter selv har døbt “Vernacular Avantgarde” (groft oversat - Folkelige Avantgarde), som også er titlen på bandets første udgivelse fra 2018



Marc Ducret - Guitar

Kasper Tranberg - Trumpet

Simon Toldam - Keys/percussion

Peter Bruun  -  Trommer/keys



“Det samlede resultat er en enestående plade, der fylder sine kunstneriske intentioner ud med bid og på aldeles overbevisende måde.”

-Politiken, Christian Munk Hansen.


“...Vernacular Avant-Garde is a haunting record. A kind of magic carried by a quartet at the top, whose complementarity is incredible."

-Cityzen Jazz, Julien Gros-Burdet


"Overall, the music on this album is well written and arranged, with clearly composed and strict structures in place. However, more importantly the music on Vernacular Avant-Garde contains enough flexibility to take advantage of the musicians in the band, their own creativity and what they can offer to the music that really brings these pieces alive, full credit to Peter Bruun."

-Chris Haines , The Free Jazz Collective



Marc Ducret (F): guitar (6 og 12-strenget)

Kasper Tranberg (DK): Trumpet og kornet

Simon Toldam (DK): Moog, JUNO 60 og Phillicoda

Peter Bruun (DK): Trommer og Mikrokorg, komposition



Vernacular (Folkesprog): Sprog eller dialekt, der tales af almindelige mennesker i et land eller område. Eks: 'he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience’'. 


Avant-garde: værker, der er eksperimenterende, radikale eller uortodokse, med respect for kunst, kultur og samfund. Avant-garde kan være kendetegnet ved utraditionel, æstetisk innovation, og kan være en kritik af forholdet mellem producent og forbruger. 


Paradoks: En person eller ting, der kombinerer modstridende egenskaber eller kvaliteter...


All Too Human


«Moins, c’est plus» est un dicton bien connu. C'est un oxymore à cause de sa nature paradoxale. Les paradoxes nous emmènent au-delà des schémas de perception, de raisonnement et d'action habituels. C'est ce qui se trouve dans l'étymologie du mot grec.

Au fil de sa carrière musicale, le batteur danois Peter Bruun a toujours été conscient du potentiel créatif et du pouvoir qui se cache dans les manœuvres paradoxales. Dans ce nouveau groupe « All Too Human", il a réuni trois collaborateurs de longue date partageant les mêmes idées : le pianiste Simon Toldam, le guitariste Marc Ducret et le trompettiste Kasper Tranberg, pour leur proposer de présenter ensemble des choses familières dans une lumière inhabituelle et ainsi s'aventurer dans de nouveaux territoires et de nouvelles formes.

La musique qui en résulte est simple sans être simple. Elle combine l’accessibilité du vernaculaire et l’esprit d’exploration de l’avant-garde. Elle semble vaguement familière et étrange en même temps ; une qualité de conte de fées et, comme nous le savons, dans les contes de fées, beaucoup de choses merveilleuses peuvent arriver.



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Poster Row clean middle
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Peter Bruun

Press pic

Peter Bruun

Press Pic




"...The overall result is an outstanding record that fills out its artistic intentions with praise and in a completely convincing manner."

Trommeslageren Peter Bruun er den mest originale med samtidsværket “Vernacular Avant-Garde, der havde en såre stærk uropførsel af Bruuns Kvartet, All Too Human under Copenhagen Jazzfestival. 

“Vernacular Avant-Garde” kan nu nærstuderes og skabe berettiget forundring i studieindspillet version. Der er tale om nytænkende og gennemført original musik, som etablerer sit helt eget univers med den udtryksmæssige dobbelthed, som også ligger i den knudrede værktitel: noget kendt, tilgængeligt og noget ukendt experimenterende i ét. 

Bruuns bas-synth mumler urovækkende i dybderne. Hans trommer falder i skæve, rockprægede mønstre eller pusler klangligt. Musikken er både umiddelbar, kontant og udfordrende. Den håndfaste trommelyd er spændt op imod luftige og sære elektroniske klange af Simon Toldam på synther som Moog og Juno 60 samt orgelet Philicorda. Kasper Tranberg yder en smuk og levende præstation på trompet. Der kan være tryk på, men tiltelnummeret besidder en skrøbelig skønhed med Tranbergs famlende spil i forunderlig indpakning. Og som væsentligt solistisk modstemme skal den franske mesterguitarist Marc Ducret naturligvis også fremhæves. 

Ducret har opdyrket sin helt egen virtuose spillestil, men her formår han at glide diciplineret og fintfølende ind i Bruuns univers og udvide det med intensitet og klangrigdom. Det samlede resultat er en enestående plade, der fylder sine kunstneriske intentioner ud med bid og på aldeles overbevisende måde.


Politiken, Christian Munk Hansen.


Citizen Jazz

“...Vernacular Avant-Garde is a haunting record. A kind of magic carried by a quartet at the top, whose complementarity is incredible."

Vernacular Avant-Garde est un disque envoûtant. Une sorte de féerie portée par un quartet au sommet, dont la complémentarité est incroyable.

Avec à ses côtés Marc Ducret, Kasper Tranberg et Simon Toldam, le batteur danois Peter Bruun est en terrain connu.Tout comme le trompettiste, il a récemment participé aux superbes Tower (volume 1) et Tower-Bridge du guitariste. Ducret avec lequel il joue également au sein du quartet et du trio de Samuel Blaser, dont le premier disque (Taktlos Zürich 2017) vient de paraître chez Hat Hut. Quant à Toldam, comme Tranberg, il est un animateur de la scène danoise et une vieille connaissance de Bruun.

Ces quatre-là nous proposent un voyage concis - moins de quarante minutes - mais dense. Il y a des moments de calme, apaisés, en forme d’invitation au voyage en des territoires inconnus (la seconde partie de « Follow Me ») ou de fable féerique, bouleversante (« All Too Human »), avec ce soupçon de mystère et de magie qui en fait tout le charme. Tranberg y est presque davisien ; les claviers analogiques apportent à la musique un côté terrien et décalé. D’autres passages sont plus puissants, complexes, pleins, portés par le toujours formidable Ducret et la subtilité du leader qui associe à sa batterie un clavier pour jouer la ligne de basse. La musique se tend, les lignes se complexifient, l’auditeur est emporté par le flux et l’énergie déployée.

Ces variations tout en fluidité traversent l’ensemble du disque mais se retrouvent également au sein des morceaux eux-mêmes. La réussite de l’album tient dans ces alternances et dans le dialogue continu entre complexité et simplicité, connu et inouï, ancien et contemporain, parfaitement résumés par le titre de l’album, Vernacular Avant-Garde.

Peter Bruun nous offre une synthèse musicale jubilatoire tant elle semble naturelle et accessible, faisant de ce disque une pépite à découvrir de toute urgence.


Cityzen Jazz, Julien Gros-Burdet


The Free Jazz Collective

"Overall, the music on this album is well written and arranged, with clearly composed and strict structures in place. However, more importantly the music on Vernacular Avant-Garde contains enough flexibility to take advantage of the musicians in the band, their own creativity and what they can offer to the music that really brings these pieces alive, full credit to Peter Bruun."

Peter Bruun's All Too Human - Vernacular Avant-Garde (Ayler, 2018) ****


By Chris Haines

Peter Bruun's All Too Human outfit is a quartet that consists of Kasper Tranberg, trumpet & cornet, Simon Toldam, keyboards, Marc Ducret, guitars, and Peter Bruun himself, on drums & synth. The music on Vernacular Avant-Garde is a mixture of jazz fusion, progressive, math, and post-rock, without it sounding like its something that's been thrown together as its clearly not. What we have here is six carefully composed pieces of music, with enough room and space to allow the musicians to be able to contribute creatively to the set of music, allowing the music to breathe when it needs to and at other times producing a rhythmically tight, but interesting set of musical sequences. 

The album opens with 'Follow Me', a funky piece, complete with groovy moog bass line, syncopated horn melody and a lovely climbing chromatic figure that provides tension and musical direction. The piece is in binary form where the second-half of the piece completely breaks down into an ambient soiree that leads through to the end. 'All Too Human' starts with sparse percussion sounds from Bruun before being joined by some spacey sounding synths, recalling sounds I frequented more often with in the 1980's, something to do with the Juno keyboard that Toldam uses I suspect! The piece builds nicely and with the introduction of Tranberg's horn, it reminds me of Mark Isham's music from the same sort of time period, creating a sort of ambient music but with substance. The title track is the longest on the album, sporting contrapuntal chromatic lines, synth sounds that this time remind me of Magma's Udu Wudu album, and some subtle and freer interplay between the guitar and horn that's a nice contrast to the initial melodic section. 'Sunshine Superman', not the Donovan track, is a through composed piece that contains some great unison lines and solos from Ducret on guitar and Tranberg on trumpet, who both manage to get 'outside' the compositions, although Bruun's strict and mathematical sounding rhythm does its best to lay a solid foundation but due to its shifting emphasis creates an ideal pattern for the improvised content. Peter Bruun's slow drumming, full of displaced micro-beats and de-emphasising the naturally stronger ones, a la Mark Guiliana, is the star of 'Extended Mind', whilst the album finishes with 'Is That So Sir Names?', a bubbling and nervous piece that stops and starts by interrupting the flow with clever changes in time, irregular phrases, and skittering sounds, before gradually driving into a groove with some great chromatic lead work from Ducret. What's really nice to hear on this album is the different set of colours coming from the palette of the synths, and although they may not be to everyone's taste they are used with discretion and tastefulness, which really gives the music a different aural sheen. 

Overall, the music on this album is well written and arranged, with clearly composed and strict structures in place. However, more importantly the music on Vernacular Avant-Garde contains enough flexibility to take advantage of the musicians in the band, their own creativity and what they can offer to the music that really brings these pieces alive, full credit to Peter Bruun. 


The Free Jazz Collective

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